Hetta Institute for International Development provides short-human capacity training to the mid-level and senior management officials in the public, private and non-profit organizations, particularly those from the developing countries. The training courses are designed to enhance the competencies of the participants.
The courses focus on current thinking and best practices in all areas of socio-economic and human development including poverty eradication strategies, strategic thinking and planning, sustainable project development and management, leadership and team building, current issues and best practices, fraud detection and prevention, transparency and anti-corrupt practices, conflict management, human resources management, financial management, budgeting, financial management, budgeting, and, agricultural development policies.
All the short training courses are designed to ensure that the very latest ideas and best practices in management development are covered in the course content and training materials. The courses are intensive and taught at an advanced level. The courses are participatory and practice-oriented. We offer courses in all areas of human resource management. Professionals from various backgrounds will benefit from our short-term training program.